(805) 551-8680 Offices in Studio City & Agoura Hills

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Specialty Summer Camps

Buddy Building Camp, Where Friendship Muscles Grow!

Dr. Lesli’s Buddy Building Summer Camp is a four-week day program helping Twice-Exceptional (2e) children and young adolescents learn social interaction and coping skills with the goal of building lasting friendships on her Southern California ranch. Campers learn social skills such as self-awareness, team-building, sportsmanship, conflict resolution, self-reflection, and cooperative play through sports, art and nature activities.  Campers spend as much time as possible outdoors exploring nature and working with the animals on Dr. Lesli’s ranch. In addition, community skills are practiced with visits to local museums, scavenger hunts, and other community-based field trips.  The camp works on a reward based system wherein the campers earn “Buddy Bucks” that can then be redeemed for prizes.  The summer camp was a great success in New York and continues to be a premier summer camp for neurodiverse children in Los Angeles, CA.

Buddy Camp

Camp Requirements

√Educational Camp for Twice-Exceptional Children and Young Adolescents: Primarily highly gifted kids with learning and behavioral challenges such as High-Functioning Asperger’s Syndrome, ADHD, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, High Functioning Autism (HFA), Emotional Disabilities, Learning Disabilities, Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD), Speech/ Language Disabilities, and other disabilities.

√Ages 8 to 13

√Consultation with Dr. Preuss is required for new campers prior to acceptance into the program

Dates and Registration

  • Buddy Building Camp Summer 2025
    • Dates: June 16 – July 11 (No camp on July 4th)
    • Time: 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m
    • Where: 6001 Chesebro Rd., Agoura Hills, CA 91301
  • Contact information for Registration or New Family Consultation
    • dr.lesli.scheduling@gmail.com
    • (805) 551 – 8680
  • 2025 Summer Camp Registration Form